Legal Information
Queens College of Theology is a Christian, multidenominational seminary dedicated to the preparation of men and women for their ministries of Christ and church. Under the authority of Scripture, we seek to fulfill our commitment to ministry through undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate, and professional development. Queens College of Theology strives for excellence in preparing students for their religious vocation, while educating our future Christian leaders to foster a more inclusive approach to their ministry.
This College is committed to achieving and maintaining the highest academic standards, which in return will better the Church and serve our Lord. All Professors are qualified faculty whose appointments and advancements are dependent upon competence in teaching and professional practices in the specific religious vocations.
North Carolina General Statute 116-15 gives the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina authority to issue licenses to nonpublic and out-of-state institutions to conduct post-secondary degree activity in North Carolina. The Board is statutorily empowered to establish the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures it considers necessary to carry out its duties. Licenses and exemptions are issued on a program-by-program basis.
Through licensing institutions and granting exemptions from licensure, the Board of Governors performs an important consumer protection function. The Board also assures that post-secondary educational institutions operating wholly or in part in North Carolina provide students with an education of good quality. The Board of Governors granted Queens College of Theology a license exemption to issue degrees.
Legal Notice provided by UNC Board of Governors:
Degree programs of study offered by Queens College of Theology have been declared by the appropriate state authority exempt from the requirements for licensure, under provisions of North Carolina Statues Section (G.S.) 116-15 (d) for exemption from licensure with respect to religious education. Exemption from licensure is not based upon assessment of program quality under established licensing standards. To read more about this exemption, you can click here.
To view the official document granting Queens College of Theology the authorization for degree issuance, click here.
Any complaints on our authorization to issue degrees can be submitted to:
State Authorization Unit
910 Raleigh Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27515
In the United States, many licensing authorities (i.e., teaching licenses, psychology boards) require degrees earned from colleges accredited by an agency recognized by the United States Department of Education. Moreover, in some cases, accredited colleges may not accept transfer courses and degrees completed at colleges not accredited by those agencies recognized by the United States Department of Education. Before undertaking any program of studies in higher education or training, we recommend that you consult with licensing authorities, professional associations, and prospective employers to determine with clarity the degree program requirements.
Accreditation is not guaranteed, and anyone deciding on enrollment should only do so based on current accreditation, and not prospective accreditation efforts.
Accreditation process is voluntary, and not required as long as the institution remains authorized to grant degrees. We remain dedicated to making sure our programs remain academically vigorous and widely accepted by employing ministries.
Queens College of Theology does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, gender expression/identity, sexual orientation, veteran status, or disability to admission or employment in our institution.
Since Queens College of Theology chooses not to participate in Title IV Funding from the Federal Government, therefore Queens College of Theology is not accredited by an organization approved by the Department of Education. Queens College of Theology is strictly designed to train Christian Leaders for their respective religious vocations.
Information contained on this website is provided as a public service, with the understanding that Queens College of Theology makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information provided. Links to other websites are provided solely for the convenience of those visiting Queens College of Theology and should not necessarily be construed as an endorsement of any or all outside sites linked.
Seminary policies and information are subject to frequent changes, especially as this institution remains dedicated in altering its programs to become compliant with accreditation standards. For the latest accurate information, contact Queens College of Theology Administrative Offices through the Contact Us form.
Any student or member of the public who wishes to file formal complaints with this institution will be dealt with professionally and with integrity. Any persons wishing to file a complaint should do so by contacting:
Dean of Student Affairs
c/o Chancellor
933 Louise Avenue, Suite 497, Charlotte, NC 28204.
Proper grievance procedures outlined in Queens College Policy 2.1 will be followed and a disciplinary panel will be convened. If you are unable to resolve a complaint through the Queens College of Theology grievance procedures, then you may review the Student Complaint Policy, and complete a Complaint form located on the State Authorization website www.northcarolina.edu/stateaurthorization. Be sure to submit the complaint to studentcomplaint@northcarolina.edu or to the following mailing address:
North Carolina Post-Secondary Educational Complaints
c/o Student Complaints
University of North Carolina General Administration
910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill NC 27515-2688
As stated in section 2.3 of the Student Handbook, All programs of study offered by Queens College of Theology are not intended to advance persons in the secular field of employment. Under no circumstances should anyone utilize the degree programs in an attempt to obtain state/federal licensures, or other secular programs, where an accredited degree recognized by the Department of Education is necessary. Our college provides the student body with the necessary skills and credentials to continue the work of the ministry as well as other Christian vocations.
Queens College of Theology credit hours or units is accepted at any institution of higher learning, whether secular or religious, at the discretion of the receiving institution. Credits from accredited institutions or religious institutions will be accepted at Queens College of Theology if they are verifiable. Queens College of Theology is not responsible for the acceptance of credit hours at receiving institutions. Queens College of Theology has partnered with Parchment.com, who is the official credential authority for many Colleges across the nation, to send verifiable and official transcripts from our institution. Through Parchment.com, we are also able to receive official transcripts from other College registrars.
If a student has a disability and would like to request accommodations, please contact your
professor as soon as possible so the professor can work with the College administration in
providing adequate accommodations in a timely manner.
This Credit Assignment policy establishes guidelines for assigning the number of credits earned through satisfactory completion of requirements for academic courses by students at Queens College of Theology. This policy affirms Queens' commitment to educational quality in terms that certify compliance with applicable government regulations and accreditation standards. The policy makes explicit the relationship between the credits assigned to an individual course and the expected work of a student completing that course.
Credit assignment should be based on course-related activities regardless of how or where they take place (including online), so long as they are required and contribute materially to achievement of course objectives or program learning outcomes. Credit assignments may also consider the intensity of engagement with the faculty or subject matter, student responsibility for learning outcomes, and course-related learning taking place outside the classroom, including online.
This policy articulates definitions that help to ensure a measure of consistency in the assignment of academic credit across all disciplines, while insisting that oversight of credit assignment rests with the faculty and academic administrators closest to instruction. The policy applies to all credit-bearing academic courses, regardless of course type, instructional format, mode of delivery, or length of the course.
Faculty Instruction: Teaching or supervision of teaching carried out in a credit-bearing course by faculty or other approved instructors or mentors under the supervision of authorized faculty.
Contact: Engagement of instructors with students to advance course objectives. Contact may take various forms: e.g., it may be face-to-face or online, synchronous or asynchronous, one-to-many or one-to-one, including faculty direction of students participating in for-credit internships, practicums, study tours, research, or scholarship.
Scheduled contact hour: One weekly, required hour (50 minutes) or equivalent of faculty contact. In addition to class meetings reflected in the Undergraduate, Graduate or Doctoral Class Schedule, other required course activities or combinations of activities may count as scheduled contact for the purpose of assigning credit. Examples include faculty-student conferences, course related events with faculty, skill modules, prescheduled appointments, and participation in online forums. Such scheduled contact must be specified as required in course syllabuses and must contribute to a student’s grade or achievement of course objectives.
Instructors also require students to complete work outside of scheduled contact hours to fulfill course objectives. Outside work must normally include, but need not be limited to, two hours of regular weekly class preparation for each credit earned. Where expectations for the quantity and/or intellectual challenges of outside work exceed this minimum and materially increase overall student effort, the number of credits assigned to a particular course may be greater than the number of its scheduled contact hours.
Examples include courses that entail extensive and/or intensive reading, writing, interviews, research, open-ended problem solving, practice-based assignments, or student responsibility for class meetings.
The following course types are covered by this policy.
Classroom-based: Scheduled contact occurs primarily face-to-face in a classroom setting.
Faculty-directed independent learning: Scheduled contact occurs via faculty supervision of students pursuing directed study for credit involving such activities as capstone projects, independent work for distinction, or graduate thesis and dissertation requirements.
Place-or practice-based: Scheduled contact occurs in non-classroom locations such as churches (internships), field supervised ministry (practicums) schools, or clinics.
Online: Scheduled contact is mediated entirely online.
For courses offered during a typical 14-week semester, the combination of scheduled contact and independent student effort must be equivalent to at least 3 hours per week per credit hour. The guidelines should be adjusted accordingly for shorter courses, a) as directed by external agencies such as specialized accreditors b) as warranted by the standards of the discipline.
Classroom-based courses, such as lectures, seminars, intensives - 1 credit per 1 scheduled contact hour, as defined above, per week. Each credit assigned includes an expectation of at least 2 hours of independent student effort for successful completion of the course.
Faculty-directed independent learning 1 credit per 3 hours of student effort per week.
Online Lecture (asynchronous, with interactive work) (Recorded (audio & video) segments, Interactive questions/quizzes with feedback - 1 credit per three hours of student effort per week.
Online Discussion Boards (asynchronous, related to questions on readings, lecture, homework, projects, or exams, topical graded discussions) - 1 credit per two hours of student effort per week.
A three credit hour course should have no less than 125 hours of student effort.
Continuing your education requires a substantial investment of time. If you are working while you are attending school, you will need to budget your time carefully. Here is a good guideline:
3 Credit Hour Class (Average time per week):
Time for reading the assigned text: 1-2 hours
Time for homework assignments: 3-5 hours
Time for review and test preparation: 2 Hours
Total study time per week: 6-9 hours