Nominate for the Good Samaritan Award
Do you know someone within your congregation that always is going over and beyond for everyone? Nominate them to win the Good Samaritan Award from Queens College of Theology.
Jesus used the Parable of the Good Samaritan as an example of loving those who may not be our friends. Jesus was asked to confirm what he meant by the word 'neighbor'. This is when he told the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), to explain that people should love everyone, including their enemies.
Terms & Conditions
Timely submission of an entry meeting the eligibility requirements and payment of the entry fee as stated herein ensures that an entry will be reviewed and considered for recognition. No other representation or warranty is made by Queens College of Theology concerning entries and all implied warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed.
The entry fee shall not exceed $50.00 per category or award. Trophy manufacturing fee, including processing, shipping and handling shall not exceed $300.
If an entry receives an award, the manner and details of announcing such nomination and award is strictly within the discretion of Queens College of Theology. Entrant understands that all awards may not be given or publicized in the same manner.
By using our website, you consent to information collected for the purpose of entry submission review, award notifications, and Queens College of Theology marketing information. At no point is any information collected by the nominator or nominee sold or given to a third party unless it is for the purpose of trophy manufacturing.
All paid entries will be considered, and only a select few will be awarded. It is the responsibility of the awarded person to pay for trophy manufacturing. An institution or third-party person will be allowed to pay for the trophy on behalf of the awarded person. Each trophy is custom made and shipped directly to the awarded person.
Entry fees, trophy manufacturing fees and all monies raised in the connection with the award are nonrefundable with no exceptions. By submitting an entry fee you waive the right to request a refund and once a person pays for trophy manufacturing they waive the right to request a refund. It is vital that no refunds are given as the trophies are custom-made and all monies raised go to supporting the overall mission of keeping Queens College of Theology tuition-free for pastoral and minister students.